Environmental Health & Safety

Fire Safety

If you discover smoke or fire:

  • Leave area by exit route
  • Close doors as you go
  • Pull fire alarm
  • Evacuate away from building
  • Call 412-624-2121 (from a safe area)
  • Do not use elevators during emergencies.
  • Keep stairwells, corridors, and exits clear.
  • Do not wedge fire doors open.

Fire poses the greatest potential for loss at Pitt. EH&S provides guidance in:

  • Fire prevention
  • Emergency evacuation plans and drills
  • Person-specific evacuation plans (special needs)
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Residence hall fall safety
  • Storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids

Section II of the University Safety Manual addresses Pitt's fire safety policies and procedures.

View the Pittwire article on Evacuation and Fire Safety Reminders.

Personal Preparedness

Those not capable of complying with the building evacuation plan or who may have special needs should contact EH&S for an Individual Evacuation Plan at safety@ehs.pitt.edu.
