Create an Emergency Plan

Prepare yourself and your family for potential disasters and other emergency situations by making an emergency plan. Communication devices such as phones and computers could be unreliable during disasters, or electricity could be disrupted. These are just a few reasons why planning in advance is so important. This document will guide you through the process of creating and drilling an emergency plan.

Print and fill out these wallet-size emergency information and contact cards so that you and your family have certain important information available at any time.  

Individual Evacuation Plan

To request the development of a personalized evacuation plan, e-mail the Office of Environmental Health and Safety ( A representative of this office will contact you for specific information.

Evacuation Plan for Persons with Disabilities

During an evacuation, it’s important to consider each family member’s needs. Disabilities can impact a person in a variety of ways, both visible and invisible. Having a plan BEFORE a disaster happens can eliminate potential stress or barriers for you or your family member with a disability. 


Evacuation Plans Utilizing Service Animals

Workplace emergency preparedness plans (or Occupancy Emergency Plans) need to address provisions for employees with disabilities (e.g., persons with hearing, sight or mobility impairments etc.) that utilize service animals. These plans should ensure that the individual with a disability, the animal and the emergency personnel can work in concert with each other to get the employee to safety during an emergency without jeopardizing the safety of the animal. 
