Shelter in Place / Lockdown

In an emergency, you may be instructed to shelter in place or lockdown. Here’s what each one means:

Shelter in Place

Shelter-in-place events could be weather-related emergencies, environmental emergencies, or other hazardous conditions in the community.

  • Seek shelter indoors, preferably in interior rooms or corridors.
  • Your building occupancy handbook can help identify safe locations.
  • Do not lock doors; others may also need to seek shelter.
  • Do not use elevators. Avoid windows and glass doors.

While sheltering in place, resist the urge to check on the conditions yourself and wait for a follow-up “all clear” ENS message.


Lockdowns are a response to an immediate physical threat to the campus community. Most campus buildings, such as residence halls, have the ability to be remotely locked by the University of Pittsburgh Police.

When lockdown is necessary, a lockdown alarm will broadcast throughout the building for five cycles that repeats every hour during the incident: “May I have your attention please; a security emergency has been reported. Remain in the building. Stand by for further instructions.”

Listen to the lockdown alarm:

Stay where you are! All exterior doors to campus buildings in lockdown will not allow people to ENTER the building. Persons may exit during lockdown but staying in place is strongly advised UNLESS you are in immediate danger inside the building. Use your good judgment.

Do not open doors for others during lockdown. Providing access for unknown persons puts yourself and others at risk.

  • If you believe you are in the building with an active killer: Run, Hide, Fight.
  • If you believe the active killer is in a different building: Remain in the building, find a location to barricade and prepare to fight. Silence devices. Be quiet. Do not congregate.
  • If you are outside and cannot enter a building, move in a direction away from the incident. Do NOT stay and record near an incident. Move AWAY from the incident. Do not enter unknown buildings, restaurants, or retail shops until you are a significant distance from the known incident.
  • During lockdowns, only let in police or other uniformed first responders. Do not come out and wait for a follow-up “all clear” ENS message.
  • If you are in a car or public transportation, leave campus and await further instructions or an “All clear.” 

When law enforcement arrives on the scene:

  • Phones down, hands up. Immediately raise hands and spread fingers.
  • Remain calm and follow officers’ instructions.
  • Avoid quick movements towards officers such as attempting to hold on to them for safety.
  • Avoid pointing, screaming and/or yelling.

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These are general guidelines that will help you to remember what to do in the event of a shelter- in-place or lockdown event on campus, but each situation may present unique challenges. The most import ant aspect in both a shelter-in-place and lockdown event is to put effective barriers between you and the threat.

The actions taken in the initial minutes of an emergency are critical. Plan ahead and know your options. If you become aware of an emergency before receiving an official alert, take action to make sure you are safe, and contact emergency responders by dialing 911, or by contacting the University of Pittsburgh Police Department directly at 412-624-2121.