Pitt Police


Explore a range of services available to University students, staff, and faculty members provided by Pitt Police, from Citizens Police Academy to victim services and more.

Explore Services
Citizens Police Academy

Receive training and education through the Citizens Police Academy, where you'll get first-hand experience in order to expand the partnership between citizens and police.

Victim Services

As a crime victim in Pennsylvania, you have the right to receive basic information about services available to you. View the listed agencies that may be able to assist you and provide you with information.


Fingerprinting services are available to Pitt faculty, staff and students for a $10 fee. Fingerprinting is at the police station on Tues-Thurs, from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Call 412-624-4040 to check availability.

Mobile Device Registration

Students can register their laptop or cell phone using a unique identifier. Registered devices are more efficiently returned to their original owner if recovered after a theft. Register your own device or in-person with the Pitt Police.

Lost & Found

The University of Pittsburgh's central lost and found. Property is inventoried and, if possible, the owner is contacted. Unclaimed property is disposed of every six months. A notice is placed in the Pitt News prior to disposal. Call 412-624-4040 to inquire about a lost item.

Crime Alerts

The Crime Alerts service is provided to people affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh. Subscribe to text message updates using a valid Pitt account.

Active Killer Training

Pitt Police officers present Active Killer Training upon request to staff and faculty. This training is modeled after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security video Run, Hide, Fight, which offers tips to the campus community on how to survive an active shooter or workplace violence incident.

Active Killer Training »