Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) for Laboratory Personnel

Target Audience: Individuals handling human blood or bodily fluids, unfixed tissues, or organs (excluding intact skin), cell cultures, tissue or organ cultures, and animal or human cell lines not verified as free from contamination of human hepatitis viruses, HIV, and other recognized bloodborne pathogens are required to undergo BBP Training. The Laboratory Director holds the responsibility of ensuring that all laboratory personnel, including Faculty, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, Staff, and Visitors, attend Bloodborne Pathogen Training.

Training Requirements: Initial training must be completed prior to any work in a lab that may expose a worker to Bloodborne Pathogens. This initial training should be conducted through In-Person/live sessions. Bloodborne Pathogens training is required annually.

In-Person Training

The Bloodborne Pathogen training is also available in-person. Bloodborne Pathogens Training is approximately 60 minutes. No registration is required.

Training DateStart Time
Tuesday, January 14, 20259:00 am
Tuesday, February 11, 20259:00 am - Location Change - 1145 Benedum Hall
Tuesday, March 11, 20259:00 am - Location Change - 1145 Benedum Hall
Tuesday, April 8, 20259:00 am
Tuesday, May 13, 20259:00 am - Location Change - 1145 Benedum Hall
Tuesday, June 10, 20259:00 am
Tuesday, July 8, 20259:00 am
Tuesday, August 12, 20259:00 am
Tuesday, September 9, 20259:00 am
Tuesday, October 14, 20259:00 am
Tuesday, November 11, 20259:00 am
Tuesday, December 9, 20259:00 am

Unless otherwise noted, trainings are located at: 

Benedum Hall, Room 102
3700 O'Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Online Training - CITI

A Pitt User account is not required to access Pitt CITI-based training, but all users are required to have an HSConnect account

Pitt's CITI Access Portal   ►

New to CITI training? Review this helpful instruction guide (PDF).

Trouble locating the CITI BBP Course? Try the steps below on the CITI site:

Click the” View Courses” button for the University of Pittsburgh.

CITI Institutional Courses website page

  1. Click on the “Learner Tools” link (or scroll to the bottom).
  2. Click “Add a Course."
  3. Answer the onboarding questions and proceed to the list of courses.
  4. Courses are organized by Human Research, Animal Research, and Other Courses. BBP training can be found under “Other” at the bottom of the page.
  5. Check the box for "Bloodborne Pathogens for Lab Workers"
  6. Click the Next button and you will be enrolled in the course. 
  7. It will be added as a training under listed under "Courses Ready to Begin." Click the "Bloodborne Pathogens" training link to start the module.