On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse, known as the "Great North American Eclipse," will carve a narrow path of totality from southwest to northeast across 13 U.S. states.
Here are some Quick Safety Tips:
- Wear Eye Protection: DO NOT look directly at the sun during the eclipse, even with sunglasses. Use a pinhole projector or specialized ISO 12312-2 certified eclipse glasses.
- Protect Your Skin: Wear sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat, and protective clothing to prevent skin damage from the more than usual brighter sun this day.
- Travel Safety: Expect high traffic volume in the area along with pedestrians (looking up).
Additional Resources:
Toolbox Talk: Solar Eclipse Safety 2024 (PDF)
NASA: How to Safely View the Solar Eclipse (PDF)
NASA: Total Solar Eclipse Safety Page
NWS: Total Eclipse Page: General