Stop the Bleed Kits

A Stop the Bleed kit located at the Public Safety Building in Oakland.

The Stop the Bleed campaign was initiated by a federal interagency workgroup that was convened by the National Security Council Staff at the White House. Its purpose is to  prepare the public to save lives by raising awareness of basic actions to stop life-threatening bleeding following everyday emergencies and man-made and natural disasters.

The campaign is administered by the American College of Surgeons' Committee on Traums (ACS COT), which was formed in 1922 and has put forth a continuous effort to improve care of injured patients in our society. Today trauma activities are administered through an 86-member committee overseeing a field force of more than 3,500 Fellows who are working to develop and implement meaningful programs for trauma care in local, regional, national, and international arenas.

At the University of Pittsburgh, Stop the Bleed kits are located in most buildings, often at the front desk or security station.

View Stop the Bleed kit locations on Pitt's main campus in Oakland »