Campus Facilities: Safety & Access

The University of Pittsburgh has installed and maintains exterior lighting around all of its buildings, including additional sidewalk and street lighting. While maintaining an attractive campus, ground crews keep shrubs and hedges low for safety reasons, especially in places such as bus stops.

On any normal workday, there are scores of Pitt support personnel whose jobs include providing inspection of the entire campus and its buildings to discover and correct health, safety, and maintenance problems. They work, in addition to Pitt Police and others who tour campus, to report safety-related problems to the Office of Facilities Management, which responds to correct these problems promptly.

As part of their duties, Office of Residence Life staff members continually report security and maintenance matters. Emergency maintenance and housekeeping services are available 24 hours

Pitt building hours of operation vary depending on the controlling department for that space. Some buildings are open to the public during specific hours, such as the Cathedral of Learning and the William Pitt Union, while others require card swipe access at all times, such as the Barco Law building and the Fitzgerald Field House. To see the hours of operation for each building, please visit ISD's Building Hours page.

Athletic facilities require an appropriate ID at all times for admittance. Additional security personnel staff major events such as athletic contests.