SAFE Self-Defense Program

The University of Pittsburgh Police Department's self-defense awareness program — SAFE — is a free, two-hour, program designed to teach situational awareness, basic self-defense skills and tactics, and to empower students, staff and faculty during emergency and potentially life-threatening situations.

This training provides an opportunity for the Pitt Police and the Pitt community to work together in a non-confrontational setting.


Students can receive OCC (Outside Classroom Curriculum) credit for participating in the class.

SAFE classes are held throughout the year, including the summer. To find out more about SAFE or the upcoming class schedule, contact Officer Heather Walker at or (412) 624-0196.

Our officers are Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention (SHARP) instructors certified by PPCT Management Systems Inc., an organization that trains law enforcement officers in defensive tactics

This class is only offered to those affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh (students, staff, and faculty).