Mental Health Emergency

Warning signs of suicide:

  • Comments suggestive of wanting to die and feeling hopeless.
  • Active signs include direct statements about wanting to kill oneself or behavior such as giving away favorite possessions.
  • Passive signs may include statements such as: “I just want to sleep forever,” “I don’t care if I’m assaulted,” or “I don’t care if my car hits a tree."

What to do:

  • Directly ask the student if he/she is feeling depressed or hopeless.
  • Directly ask the student if he/she feels like hurting his/herself.
  • If the answer is yes to either of these questions, refer the student to the University Counseling Center by calling 412–648–7930 immediately, while the student is still with you, to set up an appointment. If the student refuses, spend some more time examining his or her objections and if resistance is still present, contact the Counseling Center or the University of Pittsburgh Police Department (to access the Counseling Center) immediately. Do not hide your concern for the student, and allow the student to remain present when you make the call. Explain why you are concerned and how you feel professionals can be helpful. Be caring, honest, and direct in your communications.
