Driver Safety Tips

  • Share the road with bicyclists and pedestrians and be especially vigilant at intersections and crosswalks.
  • PA law requires drivers of motor vehicles to leave a minimum distance of 4 feet when passing or sharing the road with bicyclists. When approaching a bicyclist that has taken the lane, slow down and wait for oncoming traffic to clear before passing at a safe speed. PA law allows motor vehicles to pass bicyclists in no-passing zones as long as it is safe to do so. Don’t cut off a bicyclist when returning to the lane after passing (also known as a “right hook.”)
  • Make eye contact with bicyclists at intersections and turns so they know your intention.
  • It is illegal in the City of Pittsburgh to park or operate a motor vehicle in a bike lane.
  • Be mindful of bicyclists riding along the curb or in bike lanes, especially when making a right turn and when exiting your parked vehicle.