2018 Employees of the Quarter

Gerry Soukup - Quarter 1

Gerry Soukup receiving awardGerry has worked for the Pitt Police as a Communications Specialist since 1994. Her tenure is admirable, but her consistent application of departmental core values is what marks for her distinction. Oftentimes, Gerry is the initial point of contact for victims and witnesses. She is compassionate, committed and wise in the principle of de-escalation. The communications room can be a stressful environment in times of operational uncertainty. Gerry provides a calm, rational link with the Officers in the field. She excels in crisis or in calm.

A list of award criteria was established and each unit director nominated an employee to receive the quarterly award. The directors then voted and Gerry was selected to be the first of many Employees of the Quarter to come. A perpetual plaque has been added to the Public Safety Building’s first-floor reception area, with Gerry being the first to begin this new tradition.

Bill Santa - Quarter 2

Bill Santa receiving awardBill has been with the University for approximately 18 months, and in that relatively short time, he has forged excellent relationships with personnel across the University. He has established multiple programs that have enhanced the culture of safety within Facilities Management and has effectively brought communications between PSEM and FM closer together. Bill has brought his world-class construction safety expertise to Pitt and shared it in a collegial manner with all levels of the organization. His work ethic and vision for service are a great example for PSEM employees.

Bill has created an internal safety audit tool for projects across the University, and 3,059 safety audits were documented in the first 12 months of this audit program. In addition, Bill has created a log of high hazard construction activity on campus that helps project leaders focus on work with an elevated risk of serious injury. The log is updated by Bill on a weekly basis. Bill has established a safety committee within FM; and Scott Bernotas, Associate Vice-Chancellor of Facilities Management, offers this: “Bill Santa has brought an unparalleled spirit of collaboration and partnering.  His efforts to strengthen the ties between EH&S and FM has resulted not only in a stronger safety culture in FM but also in a synergy between the two departments that has us addressing issues we’d never get to individually.”

Paul Cook - Quarter 3

Paul Cook receiving awardPaul has been with the department for 10 years. Paul’s job assignment is at the Cathedral of Learning on daylight. He helps to create an atmosphere of security where students, faculty and staff can gather and meet.

Paul embodies our core values of integrity, respect, service and fairness. He brings life to those concepts! As a premier destination on campus, the Cathedral attracts a large daily crowd. As our front man, Paul serves as the Department’s Public Contact Ambassador. As such, Paul is a very valued employee in our department but also a very important member of the Pitt community. His dedication and loyalty to the department is unsurpassed.

Jonathan Lundy - Quarter 4

Jonathan Lundy receiving awardJonathan Lundy, Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Hazardous Materials Specialist, has been a reliable EH&S staff member for 14 years.  His Work is always organized with high quality.  He consistently represents EH&S in a positive manner to all internal and external contacts.  He is one of the main reasons for the success of a variety of EH&S programs, such as chemical spill response, chemical waste disposal, controlled substance disposal, and the tracking and approving of purchases under the DHS Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard.

Jonathan’s meticulous work associated with various criminal cases exemplifies his knowledge and willing work ethic.  Examples of Jonathan’s good and beneficial work include staying on top of complex rules regarding chemical waste management, establishing an excellent rapport and network with various units such as Arts and Sciences and School of Medicine, helping the University and its faculty remain compliant with DEA regulations, and coordinating a campus-wide inventory (and reduction) of toxic compounds.  In summary Jonathan’s work, often going beyond the four corners of his job description, has helped EHS become the reliable and respected group that it is today.