2023 Employees of the Quarter

Fire Safety Specialist Kevin Caruso, Quarter 1

Kevin Caruso receiving awardThe Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management is proud to announce that Fire Safety Specialist Kevin Caruso has been named the Employee of the Quarter for the first quarter of the 2023 year.

The Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management is proud to announce that Fire Safety Specialist Kevin Caruso has been named as the Employee of the Quarter.

Kevin is an alumnus of The University of Pittsburgh who earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Studies in 2014.  Prior to joining the Department of Environmental Health and Safety in December 2017 Kevin gained experience as a Fire Safety Technician at Carnegie Mellon University.

Kevin is an enthusiastic and dedicated member of our team.  He manages planning and execution of biannual evacuation exercises for University buildings and develops, reviews, and revises building occupancy handbooks (~95) and individual evacuation plans.  He is responsible for the University’s AED program offering advice to departments for purchase and placement as well as maintaining an inventory and ensuring that devices are tested regularly and replaced when needed.  Kevin is part of the EH&S team that ensures that Pitt traditions like the annual bonfire and homecoming fireworks displays are safe for the Pitt community to enjoy and is a key organizer of EH&S’ annual Fire Safety Day.

Kevin cheerfully works behind the scenes with many members of the Pitt community to ensure that our students, staff, faculty, and campus visitors are safe and we are fortunate to have him as a dedicated member of the EH&S team!

Business Continuity Coordinator Charlyn Loera, Quarter 2

Charlyn Loera receiving awardThe Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management is proud to announce that Business Continuity Coordinator Charlyn Loera has been named the Employee of the Quarter 2

Charlyn is a real “Texan” who graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. Her maxim is “Go Big or go home.”  On a whim, Charlyn and her family packed all their belongings and headed on an unchartered course to Pittsburgh for new opportunities.  Starting at Pitt as a temporary hire coordinating the Concierge Stations during the pandemic, Charlyn quickly gained a reputation as a reliable worker who took the initiative to fix problems.

After serving a year as a temporary employee, Charlyn was selected to become the Business Continuity Coordinator for the Public Safety and Emergency Management department.  During her first year as the Business Continuity Coordinator, she expanded the Business Continuity Program, UPitt Ready, by 100%.  Charlyn also serves as the assistant emergency manager and has taken the lead in coordinating emergency communications on the PSEM website during three real-world emergencies.

During off-duty hours, Charlyn always finds the time for self-improvement.  She is currently working towards a master’s degree at GSPIA and enrolled in numerous emergency management courses.

 Emergency Management is proud to honor Charlyn for her outstanding service through this recognition as Employee of the Quarter in the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management.

Department Administrator - Luke Sciulli, Quarter 4

Luke Sciulli receiving awardThe Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management (PSEM) is proud to announce Luke Sciulli as the Employee of the Quarter.

Luke holds a Bachelor’s degree from Indiana University of PA and a Master’s degree from the University of Tennessee, along with a Graduate Certificate from Pitt, and worked in Student Affairs prior to joining PSEM. Luke also successfully completed the University Emerging Leaders program.

Luke regularly takes initiative and accepts, as well as searches out opportunities. Luke oversaw the expansion of a Police Development Program for PSEM and leads recruiting efforts for the program at three regional campuses. Luke is a valuable member of PSEM and readily assists the various departments in a variety of ways; whether policy and compliance, HR, planning and development, and much more we know we can count on him to manage any task efficiently.

PSEM proudly honors Luke for his exceptional service by awarding him the Employee of the Quarter.