2019 Employees of the Quarter

Michael Arkin 2019 - Quarter 1

Michael Arkin receiving awardThe Department of Public Safety and Emergency Management proudly awards Guard Michael Arkin the first employee of the quarter for the 2019 year. Michael Arkin has been a Security Guard at the Peterson Event Center for the past 13 years. During these years he has created many notable experiences throughout the Athletics Department. During scheduled visits from student-athletes and their families, Guard Arkin makes himself available to offer tours and answer the many questions regarding the facility and the University. He assists the Athletic Department with security and building issues, ensuring that operations run smoothly. He has provided exemplary customer service in every situation.

In addition to customer service, Guard Arkin has consistently maintained a professional pattern of work performance and attendance. During his thirteen years of employment, he has never called off sick.  He is disciplined and follows all University departmental policies. Guard Arkin applies our core values of integrity, respect, service, and fairness. He holds himself to a high standard of doing what is right. His integrity has not been challenged during his tenure at the University. He treats the university community with respect.

Guy Johnson 2019 - Quarter 2

Guy Johnson receiving awardThe Department of Public Safety and Emergency Management proudly awards Officer Guy Johnson as the Employee of the Quarter. Guy has been with the department for 34 years, his job assignment is with the Community Programs Unit where he is directly involved with the Department’s Community Outreach initiatives. Recently, Guy worked with the City of Pittsburgh to have a traffic light installed on Forbes Avenue at David Lawrence Hall. This was a very long process that needed dedication and commitment to make it happen.

Officer Johnson's concern for the safety of our students and the University community is and has always been one of his biggest priorities. Not only is he a very valued employee in our department but also a very important member of the Pitt community. His dedication and loyalty to the department and the University definitely shows.

Maureen Conrad 2019 - Quarter 3

Maureen Conrad receiving awardThe Department of Public Safety and Emergency Management proudly awards Maureen Conrad the Employee of the Quarter. Maureen (Mo) has been with the University for the past 34 years. Her tenure is more than admirable, but her consistent application of our core values and an unrelenting work ethic typify her career. Mo’s commitment to facilitating the safety and security of our University community is passionate and complete. Recently, that commitment was acknowledged and celebrated when Mo was awarded the 2018-2019 Chancellor’s Staff Award in the Service to the University. This prestigious honor was predicated on Mo’s proud and life-long commitment to the Oakland community in general, and her exemplary professional service to Pitt in particular.

The Police Department environment can be stressful in times of operational uncertainty. Yet, Mo provides a calm, rational, if not quiet, link to the University community that never fails to showcase the Department in the most favorable light. Maureen Conrad is a complete employee. And, in my opinion comes as close to the ultimate employee accolade that I am aware of: the distinction of being irreplaceable!

Keith Duval - Quarter 4

Keith Duval receiving awardThe Department of Public Safety and Emergency Management proudly award Keith Duval the Employee of the Quarter.Keith Duval has devoted 20 years of service to the University of Pittsburgh Department of Environmental Health and Safety.  Keith holds an MBA from Pitt’s Katz School of Business and is a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager and a Qualified Environmental Professional. As the Environmental Manager in EH&S, he serves as a positive model for co-workers, faculty, and students. Keith has delivered numerous presentations on hazardous materials at national conferences; and had an article published in the Journal of Chemical Health and Safety on The Selection of a Hazardous Waste Disposal Contractor (Vol 17, No. 3, June 2010). In 2018, Keith was a co-author on a paper published in the Journal of Chemical Education on The Development of an Undergraduate Course in Chemical Laboratory Safety. Keith serves as a collaborator on this course with faculty from the Dietrich School’s Department of Chemistry. In 2019, the American Chemical Society’s Division of Health and Safety selected this course for its annual award to recognize the most comprehensive laboratory safety program in undergraduate higher education.

In recognition of the award, Greg Scott, Senior Vice-Chancellor for Business and Operations wrote to Keith: “you are truly advancing excellence at Pitt by serving as an inspiring example that supports our goal to build strength through effective operations and a safety-first culture.”